Hungarian Vizsla Portrait

Hungarian Vizsla Portrait. Commissioned portrait of a Vizsla bitch to be given as a birthday

Irish Water Spaniel Portrait

Irish Water Spaniel. This portrait of an Irish Water Spaniel bitch was commissioned by the

Labrador x Springer Spaniel Portrait

Labrador x Springer Spaniel. I portrayed this Labrador x Springer spaniel to best illustrate his

Working Black Cocker Spaniel Portrait

Working Cocker Spaniel. I was commissioned to portray this black working cocker spaniel bitch by

Working Black Labrador Portrait

Working Black Labrador. Commissioned portrait of a Working Black Labrador bitch. The two pencil remarques

Working Liver Cocker Spaniel

Liver working cocker spaniel 'Billy'. I was commissioned to portray yet another of this client's

Three Field Trial Labradors Portrait

Working Labradors. I was commissioned to portray these three male Working Labradors on the one

Yellow Labrador Portrait

This portrait of a young yellow labrador was commissioned to to be given to a