Deerhound Portrait

Deerhound Portrait. I was commissioned to portray this lovely deerhound bitch to best show her

Fawn Lurcher

Fawn Lurcher. Commissioned portrait of a long-haired fawn lurcher bitch 'Lydia'. I was commissioned to

Grey broken-coated Lurcher Portrait

In this portrait of a grey broken-coated large lurcher, I have portrayed him in typical

Greyhound Portrait

Greyhound portrait. Portrait of a much loved eighteen year old rescue greyhound 'Nicholson' commissioned by

Smooth-Coated Lurcher Portrait

Smooth-Coated Lurcher. I was asked to project the soft expression in this portrait of a

Three Grey Lurchers Portrait

Three Grey Lurchers. I was commissioned to portray this lurcher bitch with her son and

Two grey Lurchers Portrait

Two grey Lurchers. This greyhound X bitch and whippet X dog (both rescues) were commissioned