Ann’s Studio

Learn more about my Animal Portrait Studio and its tranquil environment

Although my home, a seventeenth century cottage built by the Huguenots, is situated in the centre of Bradford-on-Avon, my garden in which my studio is located is very quiet and peaceful. All I can hear at this moment in time are the birds singing, even though 100 yards away the town centre is alive with shoppers and tourists. It is an amazingly peaceful environment in which to work.

In 2005 I purchased an additional garden from my neighbour. This I designed to be as open as possible to enable me to see and photograph my visiting canine subjects. It is also long enough to be able to photograph subjects retrieving a dummy, which I later replace with a pheasant or like, in the pencil remarques.

I open my gardens each year, as part of the ‘Secret Gardens of Bradford-on-Avon’. I have in excess of 400 people visiting each time, who are amazed at the peaceful tranquillity and size of my gardens behind the seventeenth century street façade.